How To Reduce Man Boobs?

Posted By:Dr. Ritesh Anand On 2023/05/15

Your chest is a physical expression of your manliness and pride. Every man desires a taut and powerful chest. However, if you have male gynecomastia, also known as "man-boobs," this dream may become a nightmare.

However, a gynecomastia surgery, conducted by expert cosmetic and plastic surgeon Dr. Ritesh Anand, can help you get rid of man boobs and easily correct this condition. Continue reading to learn more about how to reduce man boobs through surgery and its benefits.

How To Reduce Man Boobs?

Male gynecomastia is a condition that causes males to develop enlarged glandular tissue and fat that resembles women’s breasts.

The conditions severity can range from swollen nipples to clearly enlarged breasts or man boobs. It frequently causes humiliation, emotional anguish, and a lack of confidence in boys and adult males. Gynecomastia can affect one or both sides of the chest in men, but the vast majority of instances are bilateral.

Some men may avoid particular intimate or physical activities to conceal their condition. The weight of the extra breast tissue tends to droop the breasts and stretch the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple) in more severe cases of gynecomastia.

In most cases, surgery can be used to reduce man boobs by removing excessive skin and improving the size and position of the areola.

How Surgery To Get Rid Of Man Boobs Works?

Treatment decisions on how to reduce man boobs are frequently influenced by the patients values, personal preferences, and how the problem impacts their quality of life. Liposuction with gland removal is recommended to reduce man boobs in cases of long-term gynecomastia, to help restore a normal breast appearance.

There are two gynecomastia surgery options:

Liposuction - Liposuction is performed on all gynaecomastia patients . This procedure gets rid of the chest fat while retaining breast gland tissue. To remove any excess fat below, the plastic surgeon employs suction assisted liposuction , Power assisted liposuction (PAL) or VASER liposuction .

Gland Excision - This procedure involves the removal of the breast gland tissue. Small incisions are frequently used in the surgery. This is a much less invasive process that requires less downtime and Fast recovery.

Benefits Of Surgery To Reduce Man Boobs

Due to the unappealing curve of their chests, men with man boobs can feel insufficiently masculine. Surgery to get rid of man boobs provides them with a broader range of benefits than other cosmetic procedures or treatments, helping to improve their overall health and well-being. Furthermore, studies on Gynecomastia patients have revealed increased self-confidence and high overall satisfaction. Dr. Ritesh, cosmetic surgeon, can help you with the treatment to reduce man boobs. Dr. Anand is well-trained in using cutting-edge technology-based equipment, resulting in superior outcomes.

Surgery to get rid of man boobs may help with the following:

  • Enhances Self Confidence and Self-Esteem
  • Create a More Masculine Appearance
  • Participating in More Physical Activities is possible without feeling self-conscious.
  • Improving posture by allowing males to stand straighter and taller because they no longer try to conceal their big chests.
  • Getting to a healthy weight
  • Relieving back pain
  • Improves Focus and concentration in studies 
  • Enjoying Better Clothing Options

Gynecomastia Surgery

There is no medical treatment for gynecomastia to reverse the enlarged glandular tissue and fat. The best answer is to have the best gynecomastia surgery in Gurgaon performed by a reputable cosmetic surgeon such as Dr. Ritesh Anand. A plastic surgeon can treat it with liposuction and surgery to remove the glands. By reducing the size of the male breasts, gynecomastia surgery flattens, enhances, and sculpts the chest contours.

Surgery to get rid of man boobs is often completed in under two hours while the patient is sedated and under local or general anesthesia depending upon the grade of the Gynaecomastia .. You will be sent home that evening or next morning as part of the recovery procedure. A tiny incision is made on the nipple-areolar complex margin to remove the glandular tissue. After healing, the incision merges with the areolar complex, preventing visible scarring.

A surgical procedure done to reduce man boobs, or male breast reduction surgery, is a very popular procedure for lessening the breast tissue volume of men and contouring the chest again to provide it a more masculine look. 

Dr. Ritesh Anand For Best Gynecomastia Surgery

To find out if you are a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery, make an appointment with the specialist cosmetic surgeon in Gurgaon, Dr. Ritesh Anand. With more than 16 years of experience, Dr. Anand has substantial expertise in treating various types of gynecomastia.

Dr. Anand & his competent and experienced team will review your medical history and current goals to discover the most effective options. They will provide the best care possible for the patient, from diagnosis and treatment through follow-up and post-procedure care.