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Unattractive changes in the breast can be dissatisfying and make a woman feel like she is losing her femineity and youthfulness. Over time, factors such as age, genetics, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight, and hormonal fluctuations can change the appearance of the breast.

Breasts that were once firm and shapely may begin to sag, giving them a loose appearance.

A breast lift, or mastopexy, can help restore a firmer breast with aesthetic appearance, improving body contours and giving the breasts a perky, youthful appearance.

What is a breast lift?

Breast lift (Mastopexy) is a common surgical procedure for women with sagging breast tissues and general loss of breast shape, especially after pregnancy and lactation weight and hormonal fluctuations due to gravity.

How is a breast lift done?

A breast lift surgery in delhi is a single-stage procedure that changes the breast shape by either removing excess skin or internal rearrangement of the breast tissues and skin.

Who are the good candidates for breast lift surgery?

You are a good candidate for breast lift surgery in delhi if:-

  • You have started to develop sagginess in your breasts after pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • You have stretched skin with stretch marks and large areolas
  • You have droopy breasts secondary to ageing and weight fluctuations
  • You have flat breasts with a hollowness in the upper part of the breasts
  • You have a generalized volume loss of your breasts

What is the surgical procedure for a breast lift?

The incisions are made in the areolar region or vertically down from the areola to the breast crease, also known as the inframammary crease. The incisions are so strategically placed that they usually remain hidden. 

After the incisions are made, the excess skin and tissue are removed, and the rest of the breast tissue is internally rearranged and reshaped. The nipple-areola complex is also reduced and repositioned. All this gives the breast a more youthful and perkier look. The remaining skin is tightened as the incisions are closed, and a dressing is done.

How is the recovery after the breast lift?

You may feel little tenderness, swelling, and bruised for 2-3 days after the Breast lift surgery in delhi. You are advised to wear a sports- bra from the next day of the breast lift surgery to support your breasts. 

You can return to your normal activities from the same day itself and join your office from the 3rd day onwards. Complete recovery after the breast Lift recovery usually takes 1-2 weeks. 

How should you prepare for a breast lift?

  • Consult an Experienced and Qualified Cosmetic & Plastic surgeon
  • The surgeon will advise some blood tests to check for anaesthesia fitness.
  • If you smoke, you will be advised to stop smoking for at least 2-3 weeks before the date of surgery.
  • Avoid any medication, like aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs, green tea, or herbal supplements, as they can increase the chance of bleeding during the surgery.

What are the Risks involved in Breast Lift?

Common risks involved in breast lift include pain bleeding, hematoma, a chance of infection, decreased sensation in the nipple, scarring, asymmetry of breasts, and deep vein thrombosis.

However, the complications can be avoided if performed by an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon in gurgaon.

Dr Ritesh Anand

Best Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi NCR

Dr. Ritesh Anand is a highly qualified and trusted name in the field of Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery. He has an extensive background in the field, having worked in some of the most reputed hospitals in India.

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