What is Liposuction Surgery Cost in India?

Posted By:Dr. Ritesh Anand On 2023/07/14

Sometimes, the fat tissues and fat cells are difficult to get rid off. They adamantly adhere to certain regions of the body despite diet, exercise, and other weight loss methods. The excess fat accumulation in certain regions gives a plump or fat look to one’s appearance.

Liposuction, as the word goes, is a cosmetic surgical procedure where the fat pockets are suctioned out of localised fat-accumulated regions, including the

  • Thighs,
  • Arms,
  • Abdomen,
  • Buttocks,
  • Chest,
  • Hip,
  • Back,
  • Calves,
  • Ankles,
  • Chin and neck.

At times, liposuction surgery can be carried out in combination with other cosmetic procedures, such as tummy tuck or breast reduction.

However, for those not aware of the liposuction surgery cost in India, this article delves into everything you need to know about liposuction surgery costs with a sneak into liposuction surgery, types, and procedure.

Table Of Content:

  1. What is Liposuction Surgery?
  2. Eligible Candidate for liposuction
  3. Different techniques used in Liposuction Surgery?
  4. Before the Procedure
  5. During the Procedure
  6. After the Procedure
  7. Approximate cost of Liposuction Surgery in India
  8. Factors affecting liposuction surgery cost in India
  9. FAQs
  10. Conclusion

1. What is Liposuction Surgery?

In simple terms, liposuction surgery refers to the removal of localised fat deposits (LFDs) with the help of tiny incisions and different suction methodologies. The word lipo means “fat” and this cosmetic procedure can also be named,

  • Lipoplasty,
  • Suction lipectomy,
  • Liposculpting,
  • Fat removal, body contouring surgery, or
  • Lipolysis.

While this procedure can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, liposuction surgery concentrates on small or specific fat-accumulated regions and is relatively safe.

2. Eligible Candidate for liposuction

Individuals who may be eligible candidates for liposuction include: 

  • Healthy individuals: Liposuction is generally suitable for individuals who are in good overall health. It is important to disclose any pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking during your consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. 
  • Stable weight: Liposuction is not a weight loss solution but rather a body contouring procedure. Candidates should have a stable weight within a healthy range and have localized areas of excess fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. 
  • Specific target areas: Liposuction is best suited for treating specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, or chin. Candidates should have localized pockets of fat that they wish to have removed or reduced. 
  • Good skin elasticity: Candidates with good skin elasticity are more likely to achieve optimal results from liposuction. This is because the skin needs to contract smoothly after the fat is removed to achieve a desirable contour. 
  • Non-smokers: Smoking can increase the risk of complications during surgery and impair the healing process. Candidates are typically advised to quit smoking several weeks before and after the procedure. 

The process of liposuction typically involves several stages, including before, during, and after the procedure.

3. Different techniques used in Liposuction Surgery?

According to ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Statistics 2020, liposuction surgery is one of the most popular and demanding cosmetic surgeries for fat removal in India.

Liposuction involves different techniques, from conventional fluid injections to modern lasers. Advanced cosmetic procedures and high energy-based technology, such as LASER and VASER, liposuction surgeries can help remove large fat deposits while increasing the horizon of body contouring procedures.

Here are some liposuction techniques that have widened the safety and smoothened the recovery.

  • Tumescent liposuction or fluid injection:

One of the most common types of liposuction involves injecting a medicated solution into the fat removal areas. The medication helps swell the fat in these regions and allows easy fat removal that can be suctioned out. However, this traditional liposuction type can take longer than the other advanced techniques.

  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL):

This technique uses high frequency ultrasonic waves to liquefy the fat cells that can be suctioned or vacuumed. This technique can provide better results against dense, fibre-loaded areas, including the upper back and oversized male breasts.

  • Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL):

The latest laser energy-mediated liposuction helps to convert fat cells into liquid. The liquefied fat cells can be consecutively vacuumed out or drained through small tubes. The prime benefit of the LAL liposuction technique is that it targets small, confined areas, including the chin, jowls, and face.

The laser energy used here stimulates collagen production and promotes skin firmness, structural integrity, and elasticity post-liposuction.

4. Before the Procedure

Consultation: Schedule an initial consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. During this appointment, you will discuss your goals, medical history, current medications, and any previous surgeries. The surgeon will evaluate your eligibility for liposuction and examine the target areas to determine the appropriate approach.

Pre-operative instructions: Your surgeon will provide specific pre-operative instructions, which may include avoiding certain medications or supplements that can increase bleeding risks, quitting smoking, and fasting for a specific period before the procedure. They may also ask you to undergo some pre-operative tests.

Informed consent: You will be given detailed information about the procedure, including the potential risks, benefits, and expected outcomes. After understanding the procedure and its implications, you will sign a consent form.

5. During the Procedure

Anesthesia: Liposuction can be performed using local anesthesia, where only the target area is numbed, or general anesthesia, where you are unconscious throughout the procedure. The choice of anesthesia depends on the extent of the procedure and your surgeons recommendation.

Incision and fat removal: Small incisions are made near the target area. A thin tube called a cannula is inserted through these incisions, and excess fat is suctioned out using a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula. The surgeon carefully maneuvers the cannula to sculpt the desired contours.

Closure: After fat removal, the incisions are typically closed using sutures, and the treated area may be covered with dressings or compression garments to support healing and minimize swelling.

6. After the Procedure

Recovery and monitoring: You will be monitored in a recovery area until the effects of anesthesia wear off. You may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed pain medications and compression garments.

Post-operative care: Follow your surgeons instructions for post-operative care, including taking prescribed medications, wearing compression garments as advised, and keeping the incision sites clean and dry. You may need to attend follow-up appointments for the surgeon to monitor your progress.

Recovery timeline: The recovery time varies for each individual but generally involves a few days of rest and limited physical activity. You should avoid strenuous exercises or activities that may strain the treated area for several weeks. The swelling and bruising gradually subside over a few weeks to months, revealing the final results.

Results and maintenance: The results of liposuction become more apparent as the swelling resolves. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet to optimize and sustain the results over the long term.

7. Approximate cost of Liposuction Surgery in India

Liposuction reshapes or contours the body regions by fat removal techniques, especially in areas where diet, exercise, and other weight loss methods have not helped reduce those extra fat masses.

The liposuction cost in India varies between cities, patient requirements, and clinics. However, the overall liposuction surgery cost depends on various cost-related factors, such as:

  • Area of treatment, as cost of smaller targeted zones, cost less than the sizeable fat-piled target regions,
  • Type of liposuction technique adopted,
  • The experience and expertise of the cosmetic surgeon in gurgaon,
  • The clinic’s facilities and infrastructure,
  • Associated conditions in the patient (if any)
  • Combination of liposuction with other cosmetic procedures

Here is an approximate price list of liposuction procedures in various cities across India.

Name of the City

Approximate Price Range


Rs. 65,000 to Rs. 3,90,000


Rs. 38,000 to Rs. 4,40,000


Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 4,30,000


Rs. 65,000 to Rs. 3,70,000


Rs. 11,000 to Rs. 4,40,000


Rs. 9,500 to Rs. 3,80,000


Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 3,90,000


Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 3,90,000


Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 5,00,000

Note: The above-mentioned costs are approximate figures and are subject to change.

Liposuction is carried out for different regions of the body, including the intricate areas of the face to a larger area of the abdomen and back. A liposuction procedure can be performed for one or more regions and can influence the cost.

Liposuction usually does not involve hospital stays unless larger volumes of fat need to be eliminated. Keeping all the cost-affecting factors in view, the average cost of liposuction can be anywhere between Rs. 50,000 to 3,30,000, depending on the volume of fat to be removed.

8. Factors affecting liposuction surgery cost in India

Several factors can affect liposuction surgery cost in India. These factors include: 

  • Area and extent of treatment: The number of areas being treated and the amount of fat being removed can influence liposuction surgery cost in India. Larger treatment areas or multiple areas may require more time and resources, thereby increasing the cost.
  • Technique used: Different liposuction techniques, such as traditional liposuction, tumescent liposuction, or Vaser-assisted liposuction, have varying costs. Advanced techniques may involve additional equipment or technology, leading to higher expenses. 
  • Anesthesia fees: The type of anesthesia used during the procedure can influence liposuction surgery cost in India. General anesthesia, which involves an anesthesiologist, tends to be more expensive than local anesthesia.

9. FAQs

Is liposuction painful?

Liposuction involves anaesthesia administration. And so, you are not likely to experience pain during the procedure. However, you may observe slight discomfort and pain post-surgery. Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers for pain post-operation.

Is liposuction safe in India?

Liposuction is a safe procedure and rarely can cause complications or risks, such as

  • Bruising,
  • Swelling,
  • Anaemia, and
  • Infection.

The above side effects are manageable through proper care, medications, and precautions.

Can fat cells regrow after liposuction?

The outcomes of liposuction are generally permanent. Liposuction aims to remove excess fat cells that usually do not regrow, at least in the areas of liposuction.

10. Conclusion

Liposuction or fat removal procedures are not weight-loss alternatives, instead are procedures that expel unwanted, obstinate fat tissues from the body, targeting fat-accumulated regions.

Dr. Ritesh Anand, the best liposuction surgeon in gurgaon, conducts a detailed examination of the condition and carries out an effective treatment procedure depending on your underlying condition.

Dr. Anand and his dedicated staff focus on a patient-centric, result-oriented treatment approach without compromising quality and safety. With liposuction treatment by Dr. Ritesh Anand, you can gain your desired body shape or contour at the best price.